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Explore Cambodia

Explore Cambodia

Explore Cambodia

Get to know more about the attraction sites in Cambodia & Explore the to do things in Cambodia.

Cambodia is a fascinating tourist destination known for its rich history, stunning landscapes, and unique cultural heritage. Here are some highlights that make Cambodia an attractive place to visit:

  • Ancient Temples: The Angkor Archaeological Park, including the iconic Angkor Wat, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most significant archaeological sites in Southeast Asia. The temples showcase remarkable Khmer architecture and are a testament to Cambodia’s historical greatness.
  • Cultural Experiences: Cambodia offers visitors the chance to immerse themselves in the local culture. Visitors can explore traditional markets, witness Apsara dance performances, and interact with friendly locals, gaining insight into the country’s customs and way of life.
  • Natural Beauty: From the serene beaches of the south, such as Sihanoukville and Koh Rong, to the lush green landscapes of the countryside and the mighty Mekong River, Cambodia boasts diverse and beautiful scenery.
  • Warm Hospitality: Cambodian people are known for their warm hospitality and friendly nature, making tourists feel welcome and comfortable during their visit.
  • Ecotourism Opportunities: Cambodia has several ecotourism sites, such as the Cardamom Mountains and Virachey National Park, where visitors can experience pristine natural environments and support conservation efforts.
  • Affordable Travel: Compared to some neighboring countries, Cambodia offers relatively affordable travel options, making it an attractive destination for budget-conscious travellers.
  • Culinary Delights: Cambodian cuisine is flavourful and unique, featuring dishes like Amok (fish curry), Lok Lak (stir-fried beef), and fresh seafood from coastal regions.
  • Phnom Penh: Cambodia’s capital city is a vibrant and rapidly developing urban centre with a mix of modernity and historical charm. It offers museums, lively markets, and opportunities to learn about Cambodia’s recent history. Phnom Penh also boasts of a good party and fun scene with a healthy nightlife and Casinos.
  • Peaceful Vibe: While Cambodia has faced significant challenges in the past, it has been relatively peaceful in recent years, creating a safe environment for travelers.


Major tourist attractions in Cambodia include:

  • Angkor Archaeological Park: Located near Siem Reap, this UNESCO World Heritage Site is home to the iconic Angkor Wat, a massive and intricately designed temple complex. Other must-visit temples in the park include Bayon, Ta Prohm, and Banteay Srei.
  • Phnom Penh: The capital city of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, offers a mix of historical sites and modern attractions. Key places to visit include the Royal Palace, the National Museum of Cambodia, and the Choeung Ek Genocidal Centre (Killing Fields) to learn about the country’s tragic past.
  • Sihanoukville and Koh Rong: These coastal destinations are known for their beautiful beaches, clear waters, and opportunities for water activities like snorkelling and diving.
  • Battambang: This charming town in northwest Cambodia offers French colonial architecture, traditional Cambodian houses, and the famous Bamboo Train.
  • Tonle Sap Lake: The largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia, Tonle Sap, is known for its floating villages and diverse wildlife. Taking a boat tour allows visitors to experience life on the lake and observe the local fishing communities.
  • Preah Vihear Temple: Another UNESCO World Heritage Site, Preah Vihear Temple, sits atop a cliff in the Dângrêk Mountains, providing stunning views and a unique historical experience.
  • Kampong Thom: This province is home to the ancient temples of Sambor Prei Kuk, a lesser-known archaeological site dating back to the 6th and 7th centuries.
  • Kratie: Located along the Mekong River, Kratie is a great place to spot the rare Irrawaddy dolphins during a boat tour.
  • Kep and Kampot: These coastal towns are known for their laid-back atmosphere, French colonial architecture, and delicious seafood.
  • Kulen Mountain National Park: This park offers a refreshing retreat with waterfalls, a sacred river, and ancient carvings.
  • Bokor Hill Station: Located in Kampot province, Bokor Hill Station is an abandoned French colonial hill station with eerie yet fascinating buildings set amidst a lush national park.

Cambodia’s tourism sector has been growing steadily, and the country has much to offer for history enthusiasts, nature lovers, and those seeking authentic cultural experiences. 

Cambodia’s tourism sector has been experiencing steady growth over the past decade. The country’s unique cultural heritage, ancient temples (e.g., Angkor Wat), beautiful beaches, and affordable travel options made it an attractive destination for tourists.

Several macro- and micro-economic factors contributed to the growth of Cambodia’s tourism sector:

  • Infrastructure development: Cambodia invested in improving its infrastructure, including airports, roads, and public transportation systems, which facilitated easier access to popular tourist destinations.
  • Government Support: The Cambodian government actively promoted tourism through various initiatives and policies, such as simplifying visa procedures and providing incentives for foreign investments in the tourism industry.
  • Regional Integration: Cambodia’s participation in regional initiatives and partnerships, such as the ASEAN Economic Community, helped boost cross-border tourism and increase the country’s visibility as a tourist destination.
  • Diversification of Tourism Products: The country worked on diversifying its tourism offerings, including ecotourism, adventure tourism, and cultural tourism, to cater to different types of travellers and attract a broader range of visitors.

In terms of overall economic development, Cambodia has been experiencing positive growth and development, especially in the textile and garment manufacturing industry, agriculture, and real estate sectors.

Top attractions in Cambodia

Angkor Wat

Bayon Temple

Ta Prohm

Phnom Penh


Koh Rong



Banteay Srei

Preah Vihear Temple